21 September 2009


I have to admit, I never would have believed Obama was better with words than a Webster-Miriam dictionary.

George Stephanopoulos was discussing items related to Obama's (intended) health care - the one in question being... to quote Stephanopoulos, "Under this mandate, the government is forcing people to spend money, fining you if you don't. How is that not a tax?"

That certainly sounds like a tax. Stephanopoulos called it taxes (as shown above). I call it taxes. I'm pretty sure you call it a tax.

However, President Obama disagrees with our (and a good portion of the rest of the world's) definition.

That probably has you raising an eyebrow.

So will the President saying that Stephanopoulos made up the 'language' himself.

Apparently, Obama's definition of reality is not one-hundred percent the same as yours or mine.

Actually, I would say Obama's definitions of a lot of things don't match ours. He and his associates seem to have no problem with situations of that sort when it doesn't directly affect them.

I hope people realize that he has no intention of putting himself (or his wife and children) on this plan. They, along with their associates in the Congress, will be chugging right along as usual.

If I recall correctly, someone told me that a proposal was made to the Senate that if this plan was going to be undertaken, that the Congress should be willing to fall under its auspices themselves, to prove their confidence in it.

According to what I was told, the Republicans who were asked agreed that if they expected the public to be willing to use the plan, they should be willing to as well.

You might be asking yourself, "Hey, what happened to the Democrats? Didn't they ask any Democrats?"

Believe me, they did. Apparently, not a single one of them was willing to even consider giving up their current health care for this 'wonderful!' system.

I'll leave it to you to decide what that says about their confidence in it.

1 comment:

Chris Muir said...

The good ol' Obama Warp Drive...it only works on language...