07 June 2007


The President has not taken in to enough consideration the consequences of this so-called amnesty bill. Not only would it create a rather sizable block of new liberal voters, further unbalancing our two-party system, but it would also put a sizable strain on a welfare system that most of these people are probably already using with false social security numbers.

According to Ann Coulter, whites were a 2/3 majority in the U.S. Not to be racist, but, by 2050, we're going to be a significant minority, if the number of immigrants continues to increase.

Something else that is not taken in to consideration, from what I can see, is that doing this will create a significant number of people who suddenly have to be paid at the minumum wage, which a lot of businesses in this country are not going to like - even the Unions, who claim to be anti-illegal immigrant use illegal labor for their construction rather than their associates (as I myslef saw recently, near where I work). This will encourage attempts to try to continue illegal immigration, as businesses try to replace their 'cheap labor'.

Some immigrants may even attempt to remain illegal, since even a lot of people who are legal citizens in this counry are convinced we're living in a police state. An associate of mine (a black gentleman I have known for a very, very long time, more than 20 years) has told me about any number of other blacks he knows, to give an example, who refuse to get EZ-Pass - an item used on the East Coast to get through toll booths to and from bridges, tunnels and roadways more rapidly. They seem to think that the government is monitoring where they're going (and when) if they use EZ-Pass.

What they don't seem to understand is that even if you wait that extra 20 minutes (or however long or short you're there for), your face and license plate are photographed the moment you come in to the toll booth. If the government wanted to know where you were, they'd know already, so stop with the conspiracy theories already. They're getting very tiring.

But there is something even more important than that - another reason we should be more careful about immigration - the reason I believe our borders should be under heavy guard. We have terrorists using our 'open borders' to come in to the country illegally.

Illegal labor is one thing. Getting blown to bits is something else entirely. I like being in one piece (and breathing), so we need to start being more careful, if not because of the damage that illegal labor does to our economy (and will continue to do, likely no matter what), but because our lives are in danger because of madmen we seem to welcome with open arms, whether they come to the U.S. with permission or not.

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