27 April 2007

A Long-sought understanding, Finally Realized.

From our parents and our grandparents, we have heard so many stories. Stories of monsters that are seemingly unbelievable - and I do not, unfortunately, mean creatures of fantasy, like the creatures that my friends in elementary school used to make me think lived under my bed.

I mean men such as Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin. Men like the leaders of Vietnam and North Korea during the late twentieth century. Creatures of terrible darkness - creatures that various members of our society do not want our children to learn of, anymore.

The Holocaust has, in part, become (to use it as an example) an ethnic pity-party. Six million Jews died in that war, among them my Oma's entire family, and much of my Opa's as well. That's quite a number, when you think about it- six million lives suddenly extinguished, as if they had never been.

What we neglect to remember, be we Jewish or otherwise, is that at least SIX MILLION PEOPLE OTHER THAN THE JEWS died at the hands of the Nazis. TWELVE million. It is a number far more frightening than six.

Yet the politicians, and so many liberal Jews (I am, I will say again, Jewish, the son of two Reform Jews, both politically conservative, as am I) have turned it exclusively in to a Jewish concern. Every other life lost in the Holocaust is forgotten. They are forgotten so much so, in fact, that the leader of Iran chooses to say the Holocaust never happened - likely because he hates Jews. Yet he has never taken the others who died in to consideration, and I doubt that he ever will.

And I do not think the Liberals take it in to consideration. I wonder sometimes if they even remember that the Holocaust took place, and if it did, if they remember anything or anyone other than the Jews who died.

During the war that surrounded that horror, many Americans gave their lives for the sake of the rest of the world - for the sake of other Americans as well, and for that they were thanked, and thanked strongly - the country stood behind its troops. People gave of themselves - sacrificed their needs so that those who fought for our freedom could have the food, weapons and equipment they needed to win the battles they fought.

During Korea, we were not as prepared as we should have been, and we were kicked in the shins for it, to use the expression. We paid the price for that so-named 'Police Action', but we still brought a cease-fire that kept Seoul safe from the socialists of North Korea.

Then came the 1960s, and Vietnam. The behavior of our people during that war is almost as bad as that of the Liberals in our country now, and their reaction to the situation in Iraq. They disgust me; they have no concept of the harm their words cause. These men are fighting for us - dying for our freedom, and they spit upon them, and upon what they believe in. It makes me sick.

They concern themselves exclusively with politics - exclusively with winning their precious votes and their 'power'. Yet that has no meaning without freedom… and the men who fight to help us keep that freedom (and others achieve it) are derided for their actions.

All the news media speak of is the negative - they do not speak of how we took the people of Iraq out from under a horrible regime - Saddam Hussein, too, it seems, is forgotten in the wake of the Liberals' desire for power. The deaths he caused with his gassing of Kurds, and the troops he used to pull people from their families and kill them for deriding him… it is all forgotten when the time comes for the vote to be cast to decide if our supposed 'leaders' get to keep their jobs.

There was a debate on the other night between the Democratic presidential nominees… or at least that was what it was supposed to be. It turned in to a Bush-bash, which somehow just does not surprise me. When it comes down to it, a Liberal (Democrat or otherwise) has a difficult time answering questions and giving simple information - they have a much easier time attacking people for their supposed wrongs and faults.

They are like leeches, sucking the lifeblood out of our nation. Drawing out our freedoms, and trying to bury us under an endlessly expanding government… one they hope one day will have the power to rule the lives of everyone but themselves.

In the end, however, that is not truly what disgusts me about the Liberals of our beloved United States. My disgust is shown far better by a simple act on their part - a show they put on for the rest of us, fooling us in to believing they care about our nation.

My disgust is best shown through two acts they have put on, and excellent acts they were, I must say. They certainly had me fooled. After 9/11, so many of the Democrats who now attack our President screamed for Saddam Hussein's head, and for the al Quaeda to be wiped out, and when the time came to vote, they stood by our President in his declarations.

Yes, they stood with him… as long as it was politically advantageous to do so.

Now, though, they have forgotten 9/11, if they ever truly remembered the lives of those we lost during that horror in the first place, and their only concern is attacking their opposition with lies and misinformation so that they might further empower their party.

Every life lost no longer important, every lost American, Iraqi and otherwise, is only important to the Liberals (and their media supporters) when they can use those lives to further their ends.

Our grandparents, in many cases, when they were our age, would have found the behavior of the Liberals to be disgusting. That it was something that lessened everyone who came in to direct contact with it.

We might agree… but to the Liberals it's just another tool.

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