18 November 2009

How Easily We Forget

I will never forget where I was on September 11th. I was in a doctor's office, and the towers had already been hit, although there was no clear idea just how serious the damage was yet, if my memory serves correctly today.

It was a neurologist's office, you see. I suffered a head injury a long time ago, and as a consequence, my memory is, to some (small) degree, impaired. I can remember recent events - I can remember many years...

I just can't remember my childhood. Oh well.

But back to 9-11. My horror when the Towers fell was no less than anyone else, and the torture the events of that day induced on this country, let alone the families of those who died that day, was not only unbearable, it was unbelievable.

We swore, as a nation, that day, to never forget the horror of New York's violation, and we promised that those who were responsible would see the justice they were due for their terrible actions.

They were captured, and at Gitmo, they confessed. They asked to be put to death. They believed, after all, that all the pleasures of a Islamic martyrdom were waiting for them in the afterlife. They wanted to be martyrs, remembered as a reason for those who followed to commit ever more terrible acts in the name of their God.

Fast-forward to 2009, and the Presidency of Barack H. Obama. Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Democrats are making the decisions for the people of our nation, whether the people like those decisions or not. Gitmo is something the Democrats have demonized, and the acts of torture that were necessary there in order to protect our nation (these are terrorists... not American citizens, and they are not due the rights of American citizens) are something they consider a horror.

Now, we have the monsters returning to New York City, and the President and his political associates do not seem to understand the danger they are putting New York in. Once again, all that matters are HIS (THEIR) beliefs, and not the wants of the people.

New York has been bled enough by those monsters, Mr. President.

Leave us alone.

08 November 2009

Here Comes Big Brother!

I woke up early this morning, expecting nothing big on the day, at least not at the start of it. I figured that Annie (my better half) and I would perhaps get some breakfast, and just enjoy the day together. She was still asleep, however, and I decided, therefore (after managing to avoid the two kittens who rip across my apartment floor all day...) to watch a little television.

The news wasn't something I was interested in this early, this morning, but I had left Fox News as the channel on the cable box before I went to bed last night, and didn't bother changing the channel when I put on the 'channel guide' that my cable system provides.

It was, therefore, that I heard the 'news alert' in the background, telling me that Nancy Pelosi and her associates passed the monstrosity the Democrats call a health care reform bill last night.

The smile of triumph on Pelosi's face was nauseating.

You would hope she would have gotten a clue after Election Day. The voters in Virginia abandoned her party to make all the major posts Republican. In New Jersey, John Corzine was told, 'Go Away'.

Apparently that doesn't mean a thing.

We were told that Pres. Obama essentially 'ignored' the results of the election, and apparently that applies to Pelosi, even if she did see the numbers. The people, by their actions, said that they did not want what her party was offering them.

It looks like she's too blind to notice... that, or she doesn't care.

My guess is that it's the second. She doesn't care what the people want. She (and her party) know what's best for them and for the United States!

The bill goes to the Senate, now. We have to hope they care more about the People of this country's desires (and beliefs) than the House of Representatives does.

In addition, would you believe that the only way she got some of the members of her own party on board with this bill was by putting in an amendment (re: abortion) that I have heard is going to make no difference of any kind, in the long run? Whether they agreed with the bill before or no is not something I'm certain of. Now that it has what they want in it, whether they agree with the rest doesn't mean a thing (to them).

Our elected officials (or at least some of them) are now going against the will of the people (who put them in office). The whole point behind elections is to place people in the positions of authority within our government who will forward our desires in the path of our nation.

Not to put a group of selfish, arrogant people who ignore our desires in charge.

04 November 2009


It's November 4, 2009 - a day after Obama's candidates (no matter how much he claims that the elections mean absolutely nothing...) in both New Jersey and Virginia losing to the Republicans. People are making their feelings clear, whether our President and his Democratic associates choose to let themselves see it or not.

Oh well.

The Election says something about what the people of this country think now of their once-called Obama-siah, and they do not think as well of him as his Liberal friends want them to. Obama supporters (among young people and minorities) did not show up for the election in various parts of New Jersey, and with that act they made their wonts known.

Obama is at least claiming that the elections don't matter... but whether they do or not - that is not the matter I am here to discuss, at least for right now.

During the day, our President was asked to attend the memorial of the fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany.

The Obama-siah said, essentially, that he did not have the time to attend'. Something to that effect, but his words were a great deal more abrupt and a good deal ruder than my choice here (or at least I felt they were - he did not use any inappropriate language, but that is not the point, in a situation of this sort..).

I can already see Pres. Reagan spinning in his grave. Obama's behavior is an insult not only to him (and the Germans), but to EVERY person who died trying to cross that wall OR who went down fighting the tyranny that was the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

As was said on Rush Limbaugh's radio show today (I paraphrase)... 'of course he (Obama) isn't there! Socialists won't celebrate their failures, after all!' Only too true...

We also have a comment from some of the news media, who apparently said that the Democrats lost because they were not socialist enough!. Really scary how hard you have to hit these people before they take a hint, isn't it? They still aren't taking one! The Dems. are landing bullet after bullet into their collective feet, and they do not seem to understand the harm they're doing to their collective political futures.

Oh well... we made our feelings known with our votes, so if they choose to ignore those feelings by their actions, then during the next election, they'll find out something that anyone who's been shot, I'm sure, can tell you.

Lead poisoning is a bitch.

21 September 2009


I have to admit, I never would have believed Obama was better with words than a Webster-Miriam dictionary.

George Stephanopoulos was discussing items related to Obama's (intended) health care - the one in question being... to quote Stephanopoulos, "Under this mandate, the government is forcing people to spend money, fining you if you don't. How is that not a tax?"

That certainly sounds like a tax. Stephanopoulos called it taxes (as shown above). I call it taxes. I'm pretty sure you call it a tax.

However, President Obama disagrees with our (and a good portion of the rest of the world's) definition.

That probably has you raising an eyebrow.

So will the President saying that Stephanopoulos made up the 'language' himself.

Apparently, Obama's definition of reality is not one-hundred percent the same as yours or mine.

Actually, I would say Obama's definitions of a lot of things don't match ours. He and his associates seem to have no problem with situations of that sort when it doesn't directly affect them.

I hope people realize that he has no intention of putting himself (or his wife and children) on this plan. They, along with their associates in the Congress, will be chugging right along as usual.

If I recall correctly, someone told me that a proposal was made to the Senate that if this plan was going to be undertaken, that the Congress should be willing to fall under its auspices themselves, to prove their confidence in it.

According to what I was told, the Republicans who were asked agreed that if they expected the public to be willing to use the plan, they should be willing to as well.

You might be asking yourself, "Hey, what happened to the Democrats? Didn't they ask any Democrats?"

Believe me, they did. Apparently, not a single one of them was willing to even consider giving up their current health care for this 'wonderful!' system.

I'll leave it to you to decide what that says about their confidence in it.

Remembering the blood of Heroes

When we refer to dates in this world, a significant majority of the time, when we are speaking in terms of 'public events' and 'history', we use a year. It gives us a context to the 'history' around the situation we are discussing, and perhaps some small insight in to the people who were involved in the situation. A useful way of discussing the past, don't you think? Certainly.

But there is one date I do not think anyone of the past two (if not in some rare cases, three) generations of these United States of America will ever have to be given a year to recognize. We often refer to it as two numbers.

Two numbers that also represent 'emergency' to us in another sense, ironic as that is.


I believe that most everyone reading this will know what day I am referring to. The day that the Twin Towers of the 'City (and the Pentagon of our nation's capital, Washington D.C.)were hit by hijacked airplanes and sent our feelings of safety and security within our borders straight to hell.

The al-Quaeda were not slow about claiming responsibility, and they gloated in their feelings of superiority. They had, as far as they were concerned, committed an act that would bring them extraordinary glory in the eyes of their G-d. The murder of countless innocents, both in the planes they had taken and from the Towers themselves, was not an act they felt any guilt for - after all, those were blasphemers and uncivilized animals who did not follow the true faith... they, by the beliefs of the al-Quaeda's faith, deserved no less than to suffer horribly before they died and were sent to Hell.

Photographs and videos capable to this day of generating extraordinary horror can be seen in so many different places, in so many different ways. The photos are something that choke me up, and the video is not something I am capable of watching without to this day crying my eyes out, inside if not out. Images of people flinging themselves out windows, rather than face the collapse of the towers... and then having to watch the collapse, realizing that every person still inside, direct victim of the attack or attempting rescuer, would not be coming out.

President Barack Obama talks about 'National Service Day'... forgive me now, but President Obama has NO concept of what 'service' really is, or what it entails.

I do not think that any of us do.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, rescue personnel all over Long Island (in Suffolk, Nassau or otherwise...) and on the Island of Manhattan woke likely hoping for a normal day like any other - perhaps there would be some 'small' situations that would require their assistance. Perhaps a fire, or a car accident. Perhaps there would be the need for some police to break a fight up, or investigate the aftermath of a burglary.

Then the alerts came in, and those men and women sprang in to action. I can guarantee to you they were probably afraid when they found out what was going on - I know I would certainly have been - but they swallowed their fear and remembered the importance of their duty, both to themselves and to the people they served. Their sirens blared, and the engines, ambulances and police cars raced toward the Twin Towers with their guns figuratively blazing.

Did any of them realize they wouldn't be coming home? I can't say for sure. I wasn't there, and even if I were, I am certainly no mind-reader. The only thing I can say for certain is that without thought for the sacrifice they might be making, those men and women launched themselves into a pair of burning towers that were doing a good impression of Hell at the time.

Can you imagine how enormous their fear must have been? I certainly cannot, other than to say that I probably would have been unable to go in myself, as much as I always say to friends that if I had been there, that I would have tried. I am certainly no coward, but the kind of bravery it takes to run in to ANY burning building is enormous, and going in to one there is NO chance of coming out of... I certainly could not.

I pray with all my heart that what happened on 9/11/2001 never, ever happens again in this country, because the cost was more than I think we could have ever stood to pay in the first place... but it would seem to me that part of our nation has already forgotten we paid it.

'National Service Day'. Obama seems to think that empty, paltry gestures are an acceptable, appropriate way to remember the remarkable deeds of our past, and the selfless, heroic men and women who have proceeded us through the gates of Heaven.

I would say, Mister President, that you have an extraordinary deal to learn before you will ever understand what it means to be a 'real' American...

Much less a hero.

15 September 2009

Mickey Mouse's Voter Registration...

ACORN has been very, very bad group of people.

Not that most of the media in the United States cares about that. I see people attacking Republicans for "...keeping voters away from the booth..." - "...hundreds of thousands of registered American voters!", they say, are being kept from voting by the 'evil Republican conspiracy'

I didn't realize we were evil.

A few days ago, the stories of ACORN employees assisting people pretending to be 'pimps' and 'prostitutes' to avoid taxes, launder money, get legitimate credit and to open '...multiple bank accounts..." in which she should deposit no more than $500 a week to avoid suspicion. Later she is told to call herself a "freelancer" to get that credit line.

That is disgusting, but that behavior is not even the limit on ACORN's part. Bertha Lewis, their chief organizer, has now accused the man responsible for making the video (O'Keefe) of altering the video. She says "It is clear that the videos are doctored, edited, and in no way the result of the fabricated story being portrayed by conservative activist 'filmmaker' O'Keefe and his partner in crime,"

They have provided no proof of any kind that the video has been altered, but the people of the United States are to believe them without any kind of proof... after all, this is all being done by the 'evil' Republicans and their associates!

So much for reality.

Yet as important as ACORN's behavior is in relation to that matter, there are more important matters at hand.

For example, the registration of the entire Offensive Line of the Dallas Cowboys as voters in Nevada. None of them live there, and none of them vote there. Wow...

As well, we have the registration of a seven year old as a voter in Connecticut. Again, wow... little kids get to be a part of the elections and our voting process! Unless they're extraordinary children, I doubt they have the understanding of issues to be voting...

ACORN seems to feel they do, however, and at least in one case had no trouble registering one to vote.

That's bad enough... but in Florida, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck were registered. I never knew that rodents could vote.

Even cute ones.

18 August 2009

The Future of Medicine

I was reading the NY Post this morning, and decided to take a look at the editorials. I found one written by (Dr.) Mark K. Siegel, specifically about the new (supposed) 'health care' plan proposed by (President) Obama. The doctor (rather appropriately, I think) chose to title the piece "The Hopes Obamacare would Kill".

I think it is a very good name, although many people will probably disagree with me.

What (President) Obama is proposing is a government-run health care system, or at least what will become one, if it does not begin as one. He wants to make our health care system like the ones in Canada and Europe, and apparently believes those systems are quite successful, and that our system will become even moreso.

Wherever Obama gets his ideas , I want to know... I have a bridge to sell to anyone else who gets theirs there. (Believe me, they would love the view, and I promise, I'm more than willing to be reasonable on the price... They could charge tolls!)

But back to Dr. Siegel's editorial. He makes good points, asking what would have happened if we had adopted these "reforms" to our system in the past. As he says, would the (medical) advances we have made be present now, under such a system's rule?

When you consider that the other goverments on this world who have adopted this type of medical system have cut (significantly) back on medical research. New, cutting-edge equipment is not purchased as often, and with less profit, less further research is done. As well, less new drugs are produced - the government will not pay for them (saving the government's money, after all, is the way to go!), and therefore patients who might be saved by innovation are left to die.

What Obama wants to do will compromise the Hippocratic Oath, which says that a doctor must "...prescribe regimetns for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgement." How can a doctor follow such an oath when their ability to do so would be taken away by trimming costs?

For a long time, I wanted to be a psychologist - to earn a Psy. D., and since (President) Obama has begun this ludicracy, I have found myself wondering that if I did so, would it be financially worth it? A strange statement to begin with, yes, but would I ever be able to pay back my school loans when you take in to consideration that a sizable portion of psychiatric care would probably be cut off by this plan?

More importantly, however, there would be my obligation to follow the Hippocratic Oath. Would I be able to? I do not believe I would, and I believe many people will suffer terribly because of what this President is proposing.

More and more people are turning on Obama, and he still seems to believe that he is following 'the will of the people', and the Democratic party seems to think (or at least Howard Dean does...) that "You can't really do health reform" without it, referencing the government-run insurance program proposed in this bill.

How is taking the ability for a person to properly care for themselves out of the hands of the people any real kind of (positive) reform? People will suffer if this should happen, but I do not think it will.

If it does, I'd say we're going to see a lot more graves (in this country) a lot more quickly than expected under the current system.

I'm sure the government will deny any (public) payment for the funerals.

After all, they need to save (our) money.

Too long...

If anyone ever finally starts reading this blog, I'll apologize for not posting in over a year and a half. I lost track of the blog, and my life has been more than a little crazy for a while.