26 September 2007


The Iranian president spoke at Columbia University the other day. There was obligatory objection to some of the statements he made by the University staff, and 'snarls' from newspapers, with more coming now.

It really is amazing what's acceptable and what isn't. Many people (in the United States and in Europe) accept the attacks on Israelis by the Middle East (I would make a bet, 9 out of 10 that Iran is involved in funding the terrorists, as well as the still-radical former associates of the PLO...), and there is the obligatory wrist-slap and scolding...

But we are dealing with a different, though related, matter here and now. I was reading the news earlier (on several web sites, though I will not deny I prefer what I consider more balanced sites - such as FoxNews or Sean Hannity's site), and human rights groups are screaming as loudly as they may over the comments made by Iraninan P.M. Ahmadinejad in reference to his comment (paraphrased here) that "... there are no gays in our country, as there are in yours,".

The extremist Iranian government has been murdering people for many, many years, for all sorts of (what would be considered, at least, in this country) 'minor infractions', if they would be considered 'infractions' at all.

As I've asked before... what have we come to, when such behaviors as the Iranians undertake - the beating of women who do not behave to a rediculous, chauvenistic standard, the killing of people who do not agree with their religious beleifs, and the hanging of people who do not fit their standard as for what is 'acceptable' in society.

Some of the world claims to have come a 'long way' in the past several hundred years. But, I will ask, where have we gone when the United States is not truly supported by its people or by our supposed 'allies' in the U.N.? We have gone to a terrible place.

It's like deciding, when a boat is sinking, who you save based on, for example, what level of education they have, or because of their political orientation. Both are totally unacceptable reasons, but people still choose to follow blindly.

I can think of a fallen nation on this Earth where people used to do things of that sort. I'll leave it to you to decide for yourself whom it is I'm referring to.

All I finish with is a prayer that God above will save us from the folly of the ignorant religious zealots who populate the world - in this case, those of the Middle East and their relatives.

May Adonai bless you and keep you - to the Jews out there... l'shana tovah.